Welcome to Enrichmbs!
A cosy corner offering a unique combination of
*videos* *art* *inspirational writings*
*well-being resources*
to help you enrich your mind, body, and spirit.
New Calendar 2025 out now!
Inspirational messages twinned with beautiful nature photography - for each month of the year. Enjoy! 💚

This page shares everything you need to know about EnRichmbs.
A place of calm, to take a break from the hustle and bustle.

Read on, to find out what's on offer and instant links to wonderful information and resources to enrich your mind, body & spirit.
As a young child, I had a deep connection with nature - day dreaming and gazing at wildlife and the sky.
Years later, I worked through an intense period to heal deep hurt, using meditations, therapeutic techniques and self review. This brought forth some profound personal revelations, lucid visions and an explosion of intuitive creativity.
What happened next was amazing!
Here are some of those creations...
'HUSH- And Other Poems', Paperback
An explosion of poetry and nature photography, born out of meditations and deep healing, bound together in one special book.
Quotos card deck
A collection of my quotes, matched with nature photography, to create unique, inspirational messages.
And, now, you can buy your own card deck.
Beautiful products inspired by nature
All of my photography was taken during a moment of special connection with nature. Now, you can enjoy this unique selection on some beautiful products.
EnRichmbs was born! Facebook helped to share my story...
So much was happening during this period, I decided to tell my story on Facebook, in the hope of helping others.
Through the healing, many incredible things had started to happen.
- lucid dreams, artwork driven by visions, spiritual connection through meditation, deeply emotional poetry-
The list goes on, and continues to this day.
So, I decided to devote each Facebook page to a different experience.
Here are the pages...

Follow the articles and publishings of Mel Pross - writer, thinker, imaginary and explorer.

When I started painting following meditation or whilst listening to music, something amazing happened!

A space to add your Event or search for what's on. For fellow lovers of all things mind, body & spirit.

Showing events for global, collective meditations, chants and prayers for peace and love. Join in, post and share.

Follow Mel Pross to explore the effects of meditation, sound healing and music on our emotions, dreams and art.
The story-telling begins...
After a while, the urge to share my healing journey, together with some of the visions and manifestation techniques I have developed which had helped me to heal and move forward, became too strong to keep to myself.
I decided to create my You Tube channel, and began literally telling my story.
This was another turning point for me, as I stepped into sharing these sensitive details with the outside world - in the hope of helping others.
Below, are some examples of what you will find on my Channel.
Watch Episode 1 of 'Mel's Journey'...
I introduce the path that led to my healing journey, and how EnRichmbs was born.
Subsequent episodes explore each major revelation and life-changing development that followed.
Listen to a selection of my poetry...
Some of my poems from my book, 'HUSH And Other Poems', brought to life through my own narration.
Watch my full pick-a-card readings...
I use my own deck of cards which I call Quotos - each card being a combination of my nature photography with one of my quotes, to create a unique, inspirational message.
Thank you for joining me.
why not check out the links on this page.
and remember to come back here regularly, as i showcase any updates.
Best wishes to you all,
From Mel Pross, EnRichmbs x
Contact EnRichmbs
Engage with EnRichmbs through my Facebook pages, Instagram and You Tube.
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Let's spread healing, love and positivity to help enrich mind, body & spirit.

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